Audition in May for our 2025-26 season! Register to audition on May 10th or 17th.
Join our community of music-loving students to grow musically, develop friendships, and have a blast fostering a life-long love of music!
Percussion, Wind and String students, Marching Band students after marching band season, Fall sports students - WE WELCOME YOU!! Audition and enroll now, and join rehearsals in November after fall seasons are completed.
Financial assistance is available for tuition and other related costs.
Since 1982 the Detroit Metropolitan Youth Symphony has developed students from nearly 50 communities in its four orchestras. Our mission is to provide an advanced youth ensemble experience that is challenging and fun, stimulates musical development, and supplements the school program. We have weekly Saturday morning rehearsals September through May at The Hawk (Farmington Hills), and perform three Sunday afternoon concerts each season at The Hawk and other venues across metropolitan Detroit.
We are the Detroit Metropolitan Youth Symphony and we are unique:
Students who grow exponentially each year in music and friendships
Professional Conducting Team who knows exactly how to pull the best performance from our students
College-aged pre-professional mentors who rehearse with and develop our students, and guide sectionals
Parent volunteers and board members who provide support and guidance
Donors who are passionate supporters of kids and music
FUN - we are unique because not only do we have accomplished musicians, talented conductors and exceptional music, but we have FUN creating a life-long passion for music
DMYS Symphony Orchestra has been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in June 2026! Students accepted into Symphony Orchestra for the 2025-26 season will be eligible to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime experience (pending open seats at time of enrollment).
DMYS named American Prize National winner in conducting and orchestral performance!!